Thursday 10 May 2012

'Slammed' by Colleen Hoover

I absolutely LOVE my kindle! And have so many amazing authors! So I thought that weekly I could add a book review, so all of you guys won't miss out on these wonderful books!

So this week I have read Colleen Hoover's series, 'Slammed', the second book in the series is called 'Point of Retreat'.

Now I don't want to give too much away, but 'Slammed' is about a girl called Layken and her family, who have to move across country after the death of her father, her outlook on life is anything but hopeful. Until she meets a neighbour called Will, who bring this shining light of hope back into her life, until they both realise something which will cause them to choose, their head or heart? After Layken settles down, she finds out another big revelation, which turns her world upside down.

This book is amazing, it made me laugh out loud, cry, and get angry (my boyfriend thought I was crazy sitting there shouting at my kindle haha!)

It's the kind of book which will stay with you for a long time afterwards, I love that a book can make you feel all these emotions! The second book in the series is just as good.

So basically, go to amazon, go buy it, read it, and you will never forget it!

R x

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